A typical course of acupuncture is usually between 6 -12 sessions, although more or less sessions may be needed depending on whether the health condition is acute or chronic. There is no set number of sessions required for treating any particular condition, it depends on the individual themselves, the severity of their symptoms and the length of time that they have had the condition. However, after 3-6 sessions we will be able to assess more clearly the benefits of the treatments and put in place a refined treatment plan. Generally, weekly initial treatments are recommended with extended intervals between sessions as progress is made. It should also be noted that everyone is individual and the pace of progression can differ significantly from person to person, despite their similarities or title of illness/condition.Confidentiality
I am registered with the Data Protection Commissioner, and all consultations and treatments are undertaken in the strictest of confidence.
Reviews on the safety of acupuncture have concluded that acupuncture is a very safe intervention in the hands of a competent practitioner. I always use sterile single use needles.
Safety in Pregnancy
A large, single blind, randomised controlled trial was conducted on 593 women suffering from NV during the first trimester of pregnancy (Smith, Crowther & Beilby, 2002). A range of adverse effects were specified as: spontaneous abortion, stillbirth or neonatal death, congenital abnormalities, and pregnancy complications (antepartum haemorrhage, pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and pre-term birth). The results of the trial were reassuring, as there was no evidence to suggest that acupuncture had any adverse effects on either the mother or the baby. Collated data from observational studies advocated that there was no evidence of teratogenicity from acupuncture treatments for NV in early pregnancy (Jewell & Young, 2003).
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact me as soon as possible. All appointments cancelled with less than 48hrs notice may be charged.
Smith, C., Crowther, C., & Beilby, J. (2002). Pregnancy outcome following women's participation in a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy [Electronic version]. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 10(2), 78-83.
Jewell, D, & Young, G. (2003). Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, CD000145, (4).